Meet the Authors

Dionne White and Elle Stahlhut Roetzel have experienced the pain of abortion. Their story doesn't end there because they have also experienced the healing power of Jesus' love that has set them free. As you watch their welcome video you will hear their passion to see other women healed and set free, how the Lord called them to create this course, and what He is revealing to them about your freedom.

What can you expect from an online healing course?

Unlocked Healing is a course that was created through Dionne's and Elle's passion to bring healing to women who have walked through an abortion. It doesn't matter if it has been years or a few months since your abortion, healing can be yours. Dionne and Elle understand that it might be hard to tell anyone else that you had an abortion, even a group of women who have also experienced an abortion. This course includes videos that you watch online and downloadable lessons and exercises so that you can begin the healing process in the privacy of your own home. Dionne and Elle know that Holy Spirit will meet you when you come to Him with an open heart seeking His truth and the healing that Jesus died to give you at the cross.

  • Online Video Lesson

    Each Session has a Teaching Video and a downloadable Video Outline to take notes.

  • Weekly Homework

    Continue to go deeper, at your own pace, through each Session's homework full of scriptural truths.

  • Bonus Content

    Each session contains bonus videos which include a video of a woman's healing testimony.

It is your time for healing. Sign up today to begin the journey.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Online Course

    2. About Your Instructors and Creators of the Course

    3. Outline and Objective

    4. Downloads for the Introduction Section

    1. Video Session 1 Righteousness

    2. Will You Accept the Crown? Session 1 Bonus Video

    3. Uprooting the Lies Session 1 Bonus Video

    4. Testimony of Healing Session 1

    1. Video Session 2 Forgiveness

    2. Courts of Heaven Session 2 Bonus Video

    3. Testimony of Healing Session 2

    1. Video Session 3 Vulnerability and Surrender

    2. Surrender, Release, and Receive Session 3 Exercise

    3. He Was There, God Was There Poem by Dionne White

    4. Memorial Stones Session 3 Bonus Video

    5. Testimony of Healing Session 3

    1. Video Session 4 Freeing and Renewing the Soul

    2. Baptism of the Holy Spirit Session 4 Bonus Video

    3. Breaking Soul Ties Session 4 Exercise

    4. Manifestations You May Experience Session 4 Exercise

    5. Venn Diagram Session 4 Exercise

    6. Testimony of Healing Session 4

    1. Abiding in His Presence Session 5 Video

    2. Encounter With the Lord Session 5 Bonus Video

About this course

  • 6 Sessions
  • Bonus Videos
  • Workbook

You Are Not Alone!

The Lord gave Dionne and Elle a vision of women being empowered and strengthened from each other's faith to walk through the raging river of pain and remembrance in order to receive complete healing. You don't have to face the pain alone. You don't have to live your life through your pain anymore. Jesus' truth is one of complete healing and as we stand together to fully embrace what He has died for, you will experience healing and freedom.


“I really loved taking this course at home. The bonus videos really spoke to my heart and brought me greater freedom.”
